U3249/y (buf_d10w) 20.3900 42.7837 86.3139 r
n3002 (net) 1 11.0479 0.0000 86.3139 r
U3250/a (buf_d2m_hvt) 20.3900 0.4279 * 86.7417 r
We can see the net delay using report_delay_calculation is not 0.
icc_shell> report_delay_calculation -from U3249/y -to U3250/a
Report : delay_calculation
Design : ***
Version: B-2008.09-ICC-SP5
Date : Tue Feb 24 22:40:46 2009
From pin: U3249/y
To pin: U3250/a
Main Library Units: 0.001ns 0.001pF 1kOhm
Operating Conditions: ww_v099_t125_maxc Library: sc_lib
arc type: net
Annotated_delay rise: 0.427862
Annotated_delay fall: 0.427862
total delay rise, fall: 0.427862 , 0.427862
ICC report_timing log
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 1
Design : rsa
Version: B-2008.09-ICC-SP5
Date : Tue Feb 24 22:16:39 2009
* Some/all delay information is back-annotated.
# A fanout number of 1000 was used for high fanout net computations.
Operating Conditions: ww_v099_t125_maxc Library: sc_lib
Startpoint: efi_rsa_send_data[46]
(input port)
Endpoint: sa_efi0/efi_rsa_send_data_q_reg[46]
(rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clk)
Path Group: clk
Path Type: max
Point Fanout Cap Trans Incr Path
clock (input port clock) (rise edge) 0.0000 0.0000
input external delay 0.0000 0.0000 r
efi_rsa_send_data[46] (in) 15.3220 8.9702 8.9702 r
efi_rsa_send_data[46] (net) 1 4.4576 0.0000 8.9702 r
U3248/a (buf_d10w) 15.3220 0.0632 * 9.0334 r
U3248/y (buf_d10w) 10.3372 34.4874 43.5208 r
n3001 (net) 1 2.4215 0.0000 43.5208 r
U3249/a (buf_d10w) 10.3372 0.0094 * 43.5301 r
U3249/y (buf_d10w) 20.3900 42.7837 86.3139 r
n3002 (net) 1 11.0479 0.0000 86.3139 r
U3250/a (buf_d2m_hvt) 20.3900 0.4279 * 86.7417 r
U3250/y (buf_d2m_hvt) 133.8156 144.4690 231.2107 r
n3003 (net) 1 13.8762 0.0000 231.2107 r
U3251/a (buf_d2m_hvt) 133.8156 0.7055 * 231.9162 r
U3251/y (buf_d2m_hvt) 399.9278 407.3107 639.2269 r
n3004 (net) 1 43.3720 0.0000 639.2269 r
sa_efi0/C279/u442/a1 (nand2b_d2dm_hvt) 399.9278 6.1595 * 645.3865 r
sa_efi0/C279/u442/y (nand2b_d2dm_hvt) 269.8072 417.0488 1062.4353 f
sa_efi0/C279/n25 (net) 1 36.9462 0.0000 1062.4353 f
sa_efi0/C279/u609/a (inv_d30m_hvt) 269.8072 4.6215 * 1067.0568 f
sa_efi0/C279/u609/y (inv_d30m_hvt) 61.7449 84.7218 1151.7786 r
sa_efi0/N27 (net) 1 11.9103 0.0000 1151.7786 r
sa_efi0/efi_rsa_send_data_q_reg[46]/d (mdff_d10dm) 61.7449 0.3622 * 1152.1407 r
data arrival time 1152.1407
clock clk (rise edge) 833.0000 833.0000
clock network delay (ideal) 0.0000 833.0000
clock uncertainty -100.0000 733.0000
sa_efi0/efi_rsa_send_data_q_reg[46]/clk (mdff_d10dm) 0.0000 733.0000 r
library setup time -87.8789 645.1211
data required time 645.1211
data required time 645.1211
data arrival time -1152.1407
slack (VIOLATED) -507.0197